hidden hit counter Late Harvest: September 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Letter from Grandma

I was really pleased to receive your e-mail. It sounds as if you had a good time, when visiting Sask. You would get to know our family too, which is good. Now I exoect that you have to edit the film. I'm sure that it will turn out well. I was sorry that we missed you. We were out gadding around., and just missed your call. Grandpa has gone out golfing this afternoon. he
bought ten tickets to golf, but the weather has been so miserable that he has had trouble getting a good day to go. We went over to your Mom's to see the basement. the workers have put on the insulation and the vapor barrier on the basement.Next tuesday they are going to put up the wallboard, so things are moving along. It has been a lot of work for your Mom, so she will be glad when it is all done. We are going toCalgary for thanksgiving. It will be a short trip, but we will see the other family members. I talked toElaine last night, and she said that her Dad wasn't felling too good. he is getting old,but he was going down to play for a dance anyway. Camp keep a good man down !!. Elaine took him to the Dr. and they did some blood
tests.So we will see what the trouble is. Old Age I expect.. Elaine sent me the pictures of the farm, and the sunset. it is hard to beleive that there was a house and barn there, when I grew up. Rather sad . also trees, gardens, chicken coops, pond, machine shed and lovely flower gardens. It will be great to have you home for christmas . Dawn and Greg are going on a
cruise in Jamuary. they are going with a group of ballroom dancers down to the Mexican riveira. so that will be fun for them. did you know that tyler is takinf a computer technitions course at Sait. One of his friends Dad said that he would hire him if he took the course. so he goes at night, three times a week until Christmas. He has to write an exam, and then he can work.
This father has a computer business. Matt is in Grade Eleven. Dave and Leann are going to Italy for a trip, so we are going to Calgary to stay with Matt. Leann is having a birthday in Oct., so this is a holiday for them. We haven't decided if we are going to Arizona in Feb. We still haven't got a place to live. We have a person to phone this week.. Your Mom is working
hard at the college to see if she can make enough money to live on. They have asked her to direct the community Band, so if she can gather up enough players that would be nice. Let us know if and when you are going to Veinna. that would be a great trip.I guess it is a beautiful city. Lots of history there, must close, Love yuh, Grandmom.